This evening, we continued our labs on MQTT and Node-RED by exchanging temperature and humidity measurements between our Raspberry Pi's. We used Gmail as a message bridge and Bart built a Java MQTT client that we will test in the next session.
To be continued...
#werkenbijcapgemini #lifeatcapgemini #capgemini #wednesdayeveningtraining #raspberrypi #mqtt #node-red #iot
To be continued...
Do you want to try yourself?
Based on measuring with the DHT11 or DHT22 sensor, a nice place to start reading is Install this node in your node-RED environment (you might need to download & install the driver), connect it to a timer and debug node and you're off.#werkenbijcapgemini #lifeatcapgemini #capgemini #wednesdayeveningtraining #raspberrypi #mqtt #node-red #iot
Yessss! We've got our own fixed place on the CoZone board! :) |