This evening, we got an interesting overview of the various ways in which graphical content can be generated. Our colleague Quincy Jacobs explained us the basis techniques behind graphical tools like Photoshop and gaming engines, including the math behind. We were also shown some nice online examples and demo's.
Lot's of stuff to discuss and experiment, thanks Quincy!
We'll definitely organize a sequel workshop. We're thinking of implementing a simple generator in Unity3D. To be continued...
Shape grammar:
#werkenbijcapgemini #lifeatcapgemini #capgemini #wednesdayeveningtraining #softwareengineering
Lot's of stuff to discuss and experiment, thanks Quincy!
We'll definitely organize a sequel workshop. We're thinking of implementing a simple generator in Unity3D. To be continued...
Try it yourself?
Lot's of stuff to be found online, a few example below...Shape grammar:
systems (turtle):
(math visualisation):
game of life online:
Combining graphics:
Next week...
Next week, we'll dive into infrastructure basics: what you, as software engineer, should know.
#werkenbijcapgemini #lifeatcapgemini #capgemini #wednesdayeveningtraining #softwareengineering