This friday afternoon, we held a Wednesday Evening Training at the Leidsche Rijn Centrum's library, especially for kids. Our IoT champion, Aishwarya Dhall, had prepared a nice handson lab on programming a LED panel with the Arduino micro controller.
So what’s an Arduino? An Arduino is like a little computer (micro controller) where you can read input of a (example) sensor and can control your output. Like lights, LCD screen, speaker etc. It’s easy to program the Arduino.
After an introduction on the Arduino, programming and basic electronics, the kids got to work creating the electronic circuit and programming the Arduino.
Thanks Aish and others for sharing your knowledge with us! That's all in the game in the Wednesday Evening Training (also on Friday afternoon)!
On the Arduino:
The official site:
Getting started:
Development tools:
Basic labs & explanation:
Keeping up to date:
A nice intro video (in only 8 minutes):
10 Awesome Beginner Arduino Projects:
Arduino project - Adaptive LED Morse Code Decoder and Timer Interrupt:
Great stuff, looking forward to next week!
So what’s an Arduino? An Arduino is like a little computer (micro controller) where you can read input of a (example) sensor and can control your output. Like lights, LCD screen, speaker etc. It’s easy to program the Arduino.
After an introduction on the Arduino, programming and basic electronics, the kids got to work creating the electronic circuit and programming the Arduino.
Thanks Aish and others for sharing your knowledge with us! That's all in the game in the Wednesday Evening Training (also on Friday afternoon)!
Further study
Do you want to read more on the topics in this post or play around with the technology? Here are some links…On the Arduino:
The official site:
Getting started:
Development tools:
Basic labs & explanation:
Keeping up to date:
A nice intro video (in only 8 minutes):
10 Awesome Beginner Arduino Projects:
Arduino project - Adaptive LED Morse Code Decoder and Timer Interrupt:
Next week's Wednesday Evening Training
Next week we will continue our sessions on Practical 3D Graphics & Programming with Quincy Jacobs and Remko Haagsma. We'll be diving in Unity once again.Great stuff, looking forward to next week!