
Week 17's Digest: VisualStudio 2018 roadmap, Microservices, Blazor, Razor, WebAssembly, Mono, Azure, nodeJS and patterns on distributed systems

VisualStudio 2018 Roadmap
Microsoft has published the Visual Studio Roadmap. The roadmap lists some of the more notable upcoming features and improvements but is not a complete list of all that is coming to Visual Studio.

More: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/visualstudio/productinfo/vs2018-roadmap

How to break a Monolith into Microservices
Migrating a monolithic system to an ecosystem of microservices is an epic journey. Deciding what capability to decouple when and how to migrate incrementally are some of the architectural challenges of decomposing a monolith to an ecosystem of microservices. In this write-up, Martin Fowler shares a few techniques that can guide the delivery teams - developers, architects, technical managers - to make these decomposition decisions along the journey.

More: https://martinfowler.com/articles/break-monolith-into-microservices.html

Blazor, Razor, WebAssembly, and Mono - How the pieces fit together.
Blazor is an exciting new web framework from the ASP.NET team that uses Razor, WebAssembly, and Mono to enable the use of .NET on the client. There’s been a lot of excitement about the possibilities this presents, but there’s also been just as much confusion about how these various parts fit together. In this post Dave Glick attempts to clarify things and show you exactly what each of these technologies do and how they work together to enable .NET in your browser.

More: https://daveaglick.com/posts/blazor-razor-webassembly-and-mono

Get started with Azure for .NET developers
Azure MVP Barry Luijbregts stops by to chat with Scott Hanselman about how .NET developers can easily get started with Azure. They talk about the free e-book: Getting started with Azure for .NET developers and they discuss and show some of the awesome tools that can help you get started with Azure today.

More: https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Azure-Friday/Get-started-with-Azure-for-NET-developers

Get started with Azure for .NET developers - Free guide
Get the free e-book: Getting started with Azure for .NET developers.

More: https://aka.ms/azurefordotnetdevs

The Node.js Project Introduces Latest Release Line: Node.js 10.x
Today, the Node.js Project is releasing Node.js 10.0.0. In October 2018, the Node.js 10.x release line will become the new active Long Term Support release line. Node.js 10.x focuses mainly on incremental improvements, and is the first Node.js release line to upgrade to OpenSSL version 1.1.0. The release is equipped with the Google V8 v6.6 JavaScript engine, and includes performance enhancements, error handling improvements, and improved diagnostics around trace events and post mortem. This release line also brings Node.js API (N-API) out of experimental mode. N-API is a stable module API that is independent from changes in V8 allowing modules to run against newer versions of Node.js without recompilation.

More: https://medium.com/@nodejs/the-node-js-project-introduces-latest-release-line-node-js-10-x-bf07abfa9076

Announcing npm@6
In coordination with today’s announcement of Node.js v10, npm@6 is announce as well. This major update to npm includes powerful new security features for every developer who works with open source code.

More: https://medium.com/npm-inc/announcing-npm-6-5d0b1799a905

REST vs CRUD: What you need to know
CRUD is the short form of Create, Read, Update and Delete. It refers to the action of writing data in a storage system like a database where you can create, read, update or delete records. REST is the short form of Representational State Transfer. It is sort of an architecture such as a collection of web pages in a website and how they can be navigated. In this article, both approaches are compared.

More: https://www.freelancinggig.com/blog/2018/04/24/rest-vs-crud-need-know/

Free eBook: Designing Distributed Systems, Patterns and Paradigms for Scalable, Reliable Services.
Distributed systems enable different areas of a business to build specific applications to support their needs and drive insight and innovation. While great for the business, this new normal can result in development inefficiencies when the same systems are reimplemented multiple times. This free e-book provides repeatable, generic patterns, and reusable components to make developing reliable systems easier and more efficient—so you can free your time to focus on core development of your app.

More: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/designing-distributed-systems/en-us/?wt.mc_id=AID627576_QSG_SCL_245284

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