
Week #46's Wednesday Evening Training: An introduction to Python and its use

In this introduction, one of our Python experts Sebastiaan de Leeuw explained us the basics of Python. Python is a script language that you can use for for all sorts of applications. In our Wednesday Evening Trainings, for example, we allready encountered Python in IoT (scripting for the Raspberry Pi), Quantum computing and server side API scripting. But in data analysis / data science and artificial Intelligence / Machine learning Python is heavily used. You can even find games implemented in Python. Actually, platforms like YouTube, Spotify and NASA platforms are based on Python... so: professionals stuff with a community of 1-4 million users. Python is a versatile language, seems to me like a worthy successor of Basic.

By the way: Python was invented by Guido van Rossum, and the name was inspired by Monty Python.

Let's do it!

After having been explained the variable system, language structure, expressions et cetera, we did some hands on labs together. There is a lot of different IDE's and editors available for Python (see the resources below), for this evening we used Azure based Jupyter Notebooks. A Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code (e.g. Python), equations, visualizations and narrative text. In short: interactive and intelligent documents. See the resources for more on Jupyter Notebooks.

As a group lab, we implemented a basic N-gram analyzer in which comments on a discussion forum were usage of words from a fixed list were counted.

Interesting stuff, both Python and Jupyter!

Further reading

Do you want to read more on the topics in this post? Here are some links…

Python community & documentation: https://www.python.org/
My YouTube channel on Python: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSiMhBs48YvXYl3Jsjnn3Zf_xra_8iyM-

IDE & tooling:
PyCharm (PyCharm is a dedicated Python and Django IDE providing a wide range of essential tools for Python developers, tightly integrated together to create a convenient environment for productive Python development and Web development.): https://www.jetbrains.com/help/pycharm
Python Tools for Visual Studio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Python_Tools_for_Visual_Studio
PyDev (Python IDE for Eclipse, which may be used in Python, Jython and IronPython development): http://www.pydev.org/
Microsoft Azure Notebooks: https://notebooks.azure.com
Comparison of integrated development environments that support Python: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_integrated_development_environments#Python
Notepad++ (my personal favorite, inclused Python grammar support): https://notepad-plus-plus.org
Jupyter Notebook Tutorial: Introduction, Setup, and Walkthrough: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HW29067qVWk
Anaconda (Python Data Science Platform, Python included, and also Jupyter notebook): https://www.anaconda.com/

TensorFlow - An open source machine learning framework for everyone (the API is nominally for the Python programming language, although there is access to the underlying C++ API): https://www.tensorflow.org
Introduction to the Python Deep Learning Library TensorFlow: https://machinelearningmastery.com/introduction-python-deep-learning-library-tensorflow/
N-gram analysis: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N-gram

Other topics:
List of Python software: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Python_software

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