
Five new expert certifications from Microsoft, and the latest Microsoft Certification Roadmap

 Microsoft is streamlining its technical certifications, aligning to industry-recognized areas of competence while providing flexibility to showcase your specific skills on Microsoft products and services.

The five new expert certifications are:

  1. MCSE: Cloud Platform and Infrastructure
  2. MCSE: Mobility
  3. MCSE: Data Management and Analysis
  4. MCSE: Productivity
  5. MCSD: App Builder

See the scheme below.

Certification streams (https://borntolearn.mslearn.net/b/weblog/posts/microsoft-streamlines-technical-certifications)

More information
Latest Microsoft Certification Roadmap: https://borntolearn.mslearn.net/certification/m/mediagallery/372292/download


Fooling around with JavaScript scopes

JavaScript scopes can be confusing. In the demo below I've included some tests and examples for learning purposes.


The Future of JavaScript: 2016 and Beyond (whitepaper)

An interesting whitepaper on the future of JavaScript, seen by developers.


Microsoft's cloud platform Azure: a short intro

For a short intro on Azure, Microsoft's cloud platform, you can download a brief intro document (PDF) and view a demo video,

For the PDF, see Microsoft Azure handbook 101
For the video, see Azure Management Portal tour on Channel 9


Microsoft's Cloud Roadshow: Data, the new electricity

Microsoft's Cloud Event in New York produced some nice video's on the importance of data nowadays and the revolutionary times (from a technology and business point of view) that we live in.

Some of the (keynote) video's below

Data Driven Keynote 1: Data is the new electricity

Data Driven Keynote 2: Transforming businesses with data

Data Driven Keynote 3: Delivering Mission Critical Intelligence with SQL Server 2016

Data Driven Keynote 4: Empowering the Data Driven Journey

More on Microsoft's YouTube Cloud Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/MSCloudOS. More on the Cloud Events: https://microsoftcloudroadshow.com/