
Week #27's Wednesday Evening Training: A good old IoT "klusavond" featuring the Arduino microcontroller and Mozilla WebThings

Two topics, this evening, on Internet of Things (IoT)...

An introduction of the Arduino technology with some nice handson labs by Aishwarya Dhall

We do this on a regular basis in our Wednesday Evening Trainings, to give our colleagues the opportunity to catch up on IoT any time during the year. More experienced colleagues continued with their own labs. In this way everyone can acquire knowledge and experience with this technology at their own pace.

A first exploration van Mozilla WebThings (by me)

Well, this is quite a new thing and quite promising!
As a result of Mozilla's Project Things, Mozilla WebThings is an open platform for monitoring and controlling devices over the web.

It consists, roughly, of the following products:

  • WebThings Gateway: a software distribution for smart home gateways which allows users to directly monitor and control their smart home.
  • WebThings Framework: A collection of re-usable software components to help developers build their own functionality (web things).
  • Things UI: a unified web interface to monitor and control all smart home devices.

The interesting thing is that WebThings allows users to directly monitor and control their smart home over the web, without a middleman. Yes, no subscription for some kind of portal needed. This smart home gateways is focused on privacy, security and interoperability.

Installation and setup of WebThings is quite easy. In tonight's Wednesday Evening Training we just did that, and brainstormed on the applications and next steps we're going to explore next.

Interesting stuff, we'll definitely continue with WebThings!

Further reading

Do you want to read more on the topics in this post?

On IoT technology
What is an IoT Gateway? (SAP EA Explorer - Short Video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ObesqWDpEo
Mozilla IoT - Mozilla IoT team: https://github.com/mozilla-iot/

On Mozilla WebThings
Mozilla Project Things: https://labs.mozilla.org/projects/project-things
What Mozilla WebThings Has to Offer for the IoT: https://blog.paessler.com/what-mozilla-webthings-has-to-offer-for-the-iot
Introducing Mozilla WebThings: https://hacks.mozilla.org/2019/04/introducing-mozilla-webthings
Simple server for WiFi101, ESP8266, or ESP32 boards compliant with Mozilla's proposed WoT API: https://github.com/mozilla-iot/webthing-arduino
Mozilla WebThings - An open platform for monitoring and controlling devices over the web: https://iot.mozilla.org/
Easy Home Automation With Mozilla IoT & Raspberry Pi - Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=maSdWQHSzCg
Getting Started with the WebThings Gateway for Raspberry Pi®: https://iot.mozilla.org/docs/gateway-getting-started-guide.html
Mozilla WebThings Documentation - A guide to using the WebThings Gateway and WebThings Framework: https://iot.mozilla.org/docs/

On demo's and examples (video's from my YouTube channel)
Mozilla Project Things Workshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEHL3ZYS790&list=PLSiMhBs48YvXSmJyFMt3eYOG12Llcqyi-&index=23&t=0s
A Universal IoT Gateway? Setting up Mozilla IOT Gateway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZexWQJtni4&list=PLSiMhBs48YvXSmJyFMt3eYOG12Llcqyi-&index=24&t=0s
Mozilla IoT Framework - Kathy Giori (Mozilla): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWCa6byiPco&list=PLSiMhBs48YvXSmJyFMt3eYOG12Llcqyi-&index=25&t=0s
mozilla-iot-gateway-sensors-20180406rzr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4haKrPetGmg&list=PLSiMhBs48YvXSmJyFMt3eYOG12Llcqyi-&index=26&t=0s
mozilla things gateway - orange pi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4eTym_TVFo&list=PLSiMhBs48YvXSmJyFMt3eYOG12Llcqyi-&index=27&t=0s

On communities
Mozilla IoT GitHub Community: https://github.com/mozilla-iot/
Mozilla IoT - Mozilla IoT team: https://github.com/mozilla-iot/
Mozilla IoT - Discussion board: https://discourse.mozilla.org/c/iot
Mozilla IRC: https://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC
MozIoT - The Mozilla IoT Team (a small team inside the Emerging Technologies department at Mozilla, working on the Internet and Web of Things): https://wiki.mozilla.org/MozIoT

On related topics
Mozilla IoT - Supported hardware: https://github.com/mozilla-iot/wiki/wiki/Supported-Hardware
Raspberry Pi: https://www.raspberrypi.org/products/
Balena Etcher - Flash OS images to SD cards & USB drives, safely and easily: https://www.balena.io/etcher/
Other Mozilla projects: https://labs.mozilla.org/projects/

Next week's Wednesday Evening Training

Next week we will have an update on our exploration of storing, querying and visualizing software architecture models. We’ll share the prototypes and discuss the proceedings of our research on using graph/noSQL/RDF databases like Neo4j and Apache Jena and 3djs / 3D force graphs.

Looking forward to next week!

Past Wednesday Evening Trainings on all topics

You 'll find post of previous sessions on my blog and on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/content/?keywords=%23wednesdayeveningtraining

What happened to the posts of previous Wednesday Evening Trainings?
Well, to be honest I am a bit behind with my blog posts. I hope to catch up with my work in the coming period.

Work @Capgemini?

Do you want to join us? We're always looking for and well-motivated young professionals. Do you have a bachelor or master degree or extensive practical experience? Or do you have a relevant ICT / Informatics training and you have become curious about us? Please send me an mail. Working for us gives you access to all Wednesday Evening Trainings!