In this week's Wednesday Evening Training, we had a great Arduino Micro controller lab: "Whack-a-LED!"
One of our Arduino champions, Aishwarya Dhall, prepared a nice little game implemented using the Arduino Micro Controller. The game is based on the well known game "Whac-A-Mole".
Using 4 push buttons, 4 LED's and a little Arduino program, the game is implemented. The LED's are lit one at a time in random order. The player must hit the corresponding button in time to proceed with the game and gain points. This requires a timer and some interrupts.
Nice lab to get started using the Arduino!
There was a special welcome to the students of the Hogeschool Utrecht who we assisted programming a LED panel with the Arduino.
Of course, there was also plenty of opportunity for other projects & topics. Even the first ever photograph of a black hole was discussed. That's agile learning ;) !
On the Whac-A-Mole game:
On Arduino:
Arduino Interrupts Tutorial (explanations, 2 demo's/labs):
My YouTube playlist on YouTube:
10 Awesome Beginner Arduino Projects:
Arduino project - Adaptive LED Morse Code Decoder and Timer Interrupt:
Arduino - Multitasking (e.g. interrupts):
Arduino Interrupts:
Arduino Playgrounds - Interrupts:
On Fritzing:
Fritzing official site:
A quick overview on Fritzing:
One of our Arduino champions, Aishwarya Dhall, prepared a nice little game implemented using the Arduino Micro Controller. The game is based on the well known game "Whac-A-Mole".
Using 4 push buttons, 4 LED's and a little Arduino program, the game is implemented. The LED's are lit one at a time in random order. The player must hit the corresponding button in time to proceed with the game and gain points. This requires a timer and some interrupts.
Nice lab to get started using the Arduino!
There was a special welcome to the students of the Hogeschool Utrecht who we assisted programming a LED panel with the Arduino.
Of course, there was also plenty of opportunity for other projects & topics. Even the first ever photograph of a black hole was discussed. That's agile learning ;) !
Thanks Aish and others for sharing your knowledge with us! That's all in the game in the Wednesday Evening Training!
Next Wednesday Evening Training...
Next Wednesday Evening Training, we'll continue our architecture series with modelling architecture patterns in Archimate and an introduction in Archi, a free Archimate editor. We'll also discuss proceedings onFurther study
Do you want to read more on the topics in this post or play around with the technology? Here are some links…On the Whac-A-Mole game:
On Arduino:
Arduino Interrupts Tutorial (explanations, 2 demo's/labs):
My YouTube playlist on YouTube:
10 Awesome Beginner Arduino Projects:
Arduino project - Adaptive LED Morse Code Decoder and Timer Interrupt:
Arduino - Multitasking (e.g. interrupts):
Arduino Interrupts:
Arduino Playgrounds - Interrupts:
On Fritzing:
Fritzing official site:
A quick overview on Fritzing: