
This week's Wednesday Evening Training: continuing our Arduino, Raspberry Pi and Babylon projects and brainstorming on new projects

This Wednesday Evening Training, we have continued our exploration of IoT. We made progress on our projects and had a brainstorm of two new project initiatives: creating an application for tuning musical instruments (yes, like a digital pitchfork like the one that you can buy online for a few Euro's, but building one is a lot more fun) and building an interactive toy for young children (yes, with lots of lights and sounds, robust and easy to travel with).

One of the nice things of the Wednesday Evening Trainings is that it's free format. We, as a group, can decide on the spot what topics we want to discuss and what learning form we'll adopt. That's agile! In this case, two of our colleagues came up with some idea's for which we could immediately search for suitable technologies. In case of the toy project, we found out that using RFID and Lilypad Arduino we should be able to create some kind of easily foldable and transportable carpet on which you can place all kinds of tagged objects and interact with them using an sowed in Lilypad Arduino. It's a rough concept, but this could work.
Anyway... a lot to figure out to realize this. Therefore, the next Wednesday Evening Training will contain the following topics: RFID and Arduino Lilypad. We'll gather some links, labs, tools and share video's for this. There is a lot to be found on the internet. See my links below for a few pointers.


Also, this evening, we had a portion of BabylonJS for dinner. Last week I showed my first prototypes of a 3d architecture model. This week I showed a mechanism to synchronise a JavaScript based Archimate architecture model with a BabylonJS 3d (Mesh) model. Since it must be possible to immediately reflect changed in one model into the other, I looked for some kind of observer pattern implementation. I chose not to use a heavy framework like Angular, but keep my application as light weight as possible (perhaps I have to say: "Frameworkless JavaScript"). Luckily, JavaScript currently includes proxies, which is quite useful in this situation.
Also next week, I'll show my proceedings on the prototypes and do some explanation on JavaScript proxies.

To be continued...

Further reading

Do you want to read more on the topics in this post? Here are some links...

BabylonJS portal: https://www.babylonjs.com
JavaScript Proxies: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy
RFID Basics: How to Read and Write Tags: https://blog.atlasrfidstore.com/rfid-basics-read-write-tags
Arduino hardware, also the Lilypad: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Products
The ArchiMate Enterprise Architecture Modeling Language: http://www.opengroup.org/subjectareas/enterprise/archimate-overview
Archi Open Source ArchiMate Modelling Tool (a free and easy to use open source modelling tool to create ArchiMate models and sketches): https://www.archimatetool.com/

Past Wednesday Evening Trainings

You'll find post of previous sessions here: https://www.linkedin.com/search/results/content/?keywords=%23wednesdayeveningtraining

Next week

In next week's Wednesday Evening Training, we'll be having an additional "klusavond" (translated into English as "a typical Dutch evening of doing, learning and a lot of fun") on Arduino, RFID and BabylonJS.

#capgemini #werkenbijcapgemini #lifeatcapgemini #wednesdayeveningtraining #3d #virtualreality #unity3d #babylonjs #arduino #arduinolilypad #rfid #iot #internetofthings #archimate #archi

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